Thursday, May 6, 2010

Storm clouds are nearing!

Oh dear, here come the rain clouds -

Our beautiful, scenic, serene view has now been replaced with bountiful clouds of rain.

Get your umbrellas ready! 


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A new look and personal feel to our blog! From the horses mouth...

Good morning readers,

Isnt today a gorgeous day? The sun is shining, the air is crisp and its a Thursday... one more day until the weekend, yippee! For some of our staff, the weekend will start early as they venture down to the sunny south coast to take part in Indaba, which is just about the biggest Trade Show Ever. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, just type ' Indaba 2010' into google or go to .... even better - if any of you are in the area, pop into the ICC and come look for our stand!

So yes, for the two lucky Ilita Colleagues, Phillip and Lyn they make their way to the airport early tomorrow morning. Brandy the office dog, was saying his goodbyes to Lyn and as always, armed with a camera, we managed to snap up the candid moment for all of you to see.  For the rest of us, life at Ilita goes on as normal. Phones ringing, kettle boiling, radio humming, copious amounts of coffee and right now a very interesting conversation about the movie, the Heartbreak Kid. For those of you who haven't seen it, go watch it, its hilarious! Giggles all round.

Next week, its down to crunch time, we have an extremely big wedding to plan in a very small time, less than a month! The bride has picked maroon and gold as the main colours for her wedding, with masses of candles and sparkling chandeliers, doesnt that sound pretty? Its going to be beautiful. A real winter wedding. We will be sure to put pictures up.

Anyway, I hope that your wardrobe is stocked with jackets and boots and that in your cupboard, lots of hot chocolate is stored, Its going to be a chilly winter. 

Have a lovely day,

The Ilita Lodge Team!